Students and Postdocs
I am always looking for passionate, self-motivated students to join our research projects.
If you are interested in doing a PhD with me, please apply to the PhD program in the
UT Austin School of Information and/or
UT Austin Computer Science. I also advise Master’s students in both departments.
If you are interested in doing a postdoc with me, please send me an email with your CV, a short description of your research interest, and a research statement if you have one.
If you are interested in joining our lab for Spring, Summer and/or Fall 2021, please fill out this
form that describes our current research direction. All research activities will be done online until Summer 2021. The form will be reviewed weekly. You will receive an email if there is an opening in our ongoing projects that seems like a good fit. Please understand that no other emails will be sent.
Oftentimes I first work with students through my classes, independent studies, or short-term projects, then form more formal advising relationships later on.